10. Endowment Funds for Associations

10.1 Introduction There are several types of endowment funds, which typically stipulate how and when the funds can be disbursed. Term Endowment Term endowment funds have a built-in stipulation that either part or all of the principal may be used only after a...

4. Branding your Association for Success

4.1 INTRODUCTION Everyone has a brand, good or bad, whether they are aware of it or not. Your brand is the overall sense of how people see you. It is how people identify you, associate with you and what they expect of your actions, expressions and character. Your...

1. Alumni Engagement 101

1.1 INTRODUCTION Alumni Engagement enables you to draw value from your alumni while adding value back to them. When engaging your alumni, it is important to have answers to the following questions: What value can you draw from your alumni? What value can you add to...